Politicians as Game of Thrones Characters

American politics reminds me of Game of Thrones (except Westeros was far less corrupt). The kings, nobility, and usurpers struggling to rule Washington DC all pair well with at least one Game of Thrones character.

In this post, I pick a GoT character for 15 high profile politicians. If you don’t agree, tell me who you would pair differently in the comments.

SPOILER ALERT: If you’re a Trump supporter, you probably aren’t going to agree.


Donald Trump:

Joffrey Baratheon

Supporters view them as rightful ascendants, allies are terrified to question their judgment, and everyone else is left wondering how someone so narcissistic, incompetent, and cruel got to be in charge.


Mike Pence


Stannis Baratheon

Stannis was in open rebellion against Joffrey, whereas Pence is as loyal to Trump as season-one-Hound. Nevertheless, this comparison works because Pence, like Stannis, would unquestionably sacrifice his own child if he believed it were the will of God. Hopefully God would step in so we’d have a new Isaac rather than another Shireen.


Nancy Pelosi:

Olenna Tyrell

Strong and intelligent women. Savvy dealmakers and matriarchs. I like both but trust neither.


Mitch McConnell:

Petyr Baelish

Masterful politicians who care only about their own power. McConnell wouldn’t hesitate to help Pelosi poison Trump if he thought it would be politically expedient.


Joe Biden:

Ned Stark

Experienced, earnest, and well intentioned, but they underestimate the depths to which their opponents will sink to keep them from power. Even after Ned’s son was defenestrated and Biden’s was implicated, they continued to try to reason with the other side.


Bernie Sanders:

Daenerys Targaryen

Fierce and passionate defenders of the downtrodden who are hell-bent on revolution and have little interest in compromising with anyone who they think is an enemy. I agree with most of what they hope to accomplish, but worry about their zealotry and the violent behavior of their acolytes. (Apologies to the Dothraki for comparing them to Bernie Bros.)


Elizabeth Warren:

John Snow

They see an enormous threat on the horizon (Winter is coming!) and propose bold solutions that most do not want to hear. John was right to invite the wildlings North of the wall and to bend his knee to Daenerys, and I think Warren is right about the need to reduce the influence of lobbying, implement a wealth tax, and make healthcare a public service. John got stabbed and exiled for his ideas. I hope Warren fares better, but I’m not optimistic.


Pete Buttigieg:

Tyrion Lannister

Pragmatic, competent, and stigmatized. I’d be happy to see either in charge, although I think that, like Tyrion, Mayor Pete has a better chance of being hand-of-the-king than at the top of the ticket.


Amy Klobuchar:

Sansa Stark

Practical and wise women of the north. Would make fine leaders, even if I don’t agree with all of their decisions. Both also have a history of violence. Unlike Sansa, Klobuchar doled it out.


Tom Steyer:

Jaime Lannister

I’m sure that Steyer pushed a few kids out of windows during his Goldman-Sachs-hedge-fund-years, but, like Jaime, he seems to have grown a conscience and is now trying to rage against the dying of the light.


Michael Bloomberg:

Xaro Xhoan Daxos

If he ends up pulling off a shark-jumping, surprise victory, Bloomberg will be Bran Stark. Otherwise, he is Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Both are rich, ambitious men who think that because they had a little success running a city, they deserve to be king.


Andrew Yang:


Yang’s “freedom dividend” is Hodor’s “Hodor.”


Lindsey Graham:

Grand Maester Pycelle

Pycelle was skeptical of the Baratheon-Lannister revolution, but over time he became their most shameless and spineless asskisser. Graham voted against Trump in 2016 and is now one of his most loyal bootlickers.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez:

Mance Rayder

They fight for minorities and the impoverished with a message that those protected by a wall – whether it be of ice or socio-economic privilege – consider radical.


Stephen Miller:

The Night King

Hell-bent on destroying anyone who isn’t part of their white tribe. Existential threats to humanity.