Townie blog

Does the Interweb really need another blog?

Of course not.

Why, you may reasonably ask, is an amateur rock band starting one?

We have our reasons:

1. It’s not you, it’s me. At least one of us likes writing.

2. We like sharing music, and we can cover more songs in a blog than Caleb is capable of playing on guitar.

3. Pretention.

4. Productive procrastination. Writing about the moral philosophy underlying Tool’s Aenima LP is more fun than fixing industrial coolers and grading papers.

5. To find others who share our bizarre taste.

6. Search Engine Optimization. Just kidding. Kind of.

7. We like making lists. (Sometimes we like checking them twice to find out who’s been naughty and nice. But usually we just make and forget about them.)

8. Caleb wants to be like Pete.

9. Squarespace has a default blog on its websites. Not using it would be wasteful.

10. To fight the man. We’re not sure how our blog will do this, but what’s a rock band without a touch of empty rebellion?

Ok, so you’ve started a blog that no one is going to read. What should I expect to find here?

Lists. All lists. Like interpretive driving and tickertaping, listing is an underappreciated artistic medium. We’re gonna bring it back like Moses.

Any of the following topics are fair game:

1. Music.

2. Popular culture.

3. Psychology.

4. Economics.

5. Places townies hang.

6. Places townies never been.

7. Noises made by Adam’s pedal board.

8. Things growing in John’s refrigerator.

9. People who annoy Josh.

10. Stuff that Caleb wishes he’d done but never did. (We can now cross blogging off of this list.)

What lists are missing from your life? Let us know if you have suggestions or ideas.